October 22, 2024
Facebook Avatar working solutions: Facebook “Moods”

Facebook Avatar not working solutions: Facebook “Moods”

Facebook Avatar currently not working like the actual design of the person in the avatar and also can’t able to create after providing the image of the person.

Right now not integrated with the keyboard but you may see it working nearby future.

There were several users still complaining about not working in Just one day after the launch of this new feature in the US, people asked why can’t they able to get Facebook Avatar.

Facebook Avatar was released in the UK one month before just after that It launched in US last week but still some users complained that they are unable to use this feature at all.

Facebook Avatar not working :- 

According to Fidji Simo, head of the Facebook App, everyone can able access to the avatars.

To access it, click on the three horizontal bars in the top right of their phone screen before selecting “see more”.

Well, some users posted on social news site Reddit saying they don’t have an option.

One user said they able to click on it, but nothing happened, and other users replied with their fixes.

Facebook bosses said that the application should be available for all operating systems.

Fidji Simo identified two important fixes to the problem as people reported issues.

1. People go to stickers and select the purple face, which will allow avatar customization.

2. Simo also recommended people go to bookmarks and look for Avatars under “see more”.

Recent Report says that Facebook also testing a “Mood” creation mode for stories. Well, we don’t have more information and knowledge about It. We may expect in the first look added option of “Mood” by creating a Facebook story. For Example, you have the option to choose moods like Happy, sad, depressed, angry, and many others while creating a Facebook story.

After choosing the “Mood” option Facebook asks about how do you feel. You will find some options to choose from like Hump day, Happy, Love, Lol, and many others. Every option available with images and gifs will capture your mood accurately. You may click other images and your “Mood” option changes Accordingly.

Facebook working constantly hard with developers to introduce these new features. We are very sure about these features once release people feel full pleasure by using It.

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