February 12, 2025
Facebook Active status

How does Facebook Active status get turned off: 2024

How does Facebook Active Status get turned off?

Facebook Active status is the setting that lets users appear offline you may be aware of it but many users don’t know about this setting so, let me brief you about it and explain how you can turn off your active status on Facebook.

How is Facebook Active status working?

Active Status is when you log in to your Facebook account you will be visible to your Facebook friends that you were online Normally It does not seem disturbing but if you are working on Facebook or you don’t want to let other users know that you came online then you have the option to turn off the Facebook active status setting.

Steps to turn off  Facebook Active Status

Step 1: Open your Facebook Application on your Smartphone.

Active Status on Facebook


Step 2:  In the top right corner find three lines and click on them.

Step 3: Just Scroll down now and lick Setting & Privacy> Setting

Active Status on Facebook

 Step 4: Now click on settings and scroll down until you see “Active Status” Just click on it.

Active Status on Facebook

Step-5: Here you can change your Active Status on or off.

Active Status on Facebook



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